Headmasters Letter Friday 10th March 2023
10 March 2023

Headmaster's Letter Friday 10th March 2023

Dear Parents

Firstly, a heartfelt thank you to the 65 parents who gave up their time to speak with Mungo Dunnett Associates about Dumpton. Apologies to those parents who didn’t get selected for an interview – it was an entirely random process, but we hope your views were well represented by your peers. 

The anonymous feedback we have received since (over 90 pages!) has been enormously beneficial. Whilst there was plenty of lovely positivity about many areas of school life, and real validation of our vision for the school, the quality of the pastoral, academic and co-curricular provision, and the efforts of the staff, the interviews also highlighted areas of the school that still require our work and attention. We’re feeling really invigorated by all the positive comments, and therefore even more determined to tackle and address any areas of weakness. I promise to keep you informed – and involved – with our ongoing efforts to improve the school. 

One particularly positive thread that I thought I would share now was the positive social cohesion that is evident at Dumpton. An overwhelming majority of you felt that parents, pupils and staff have similar values and shared intentions – it was noted by MDA in their report that ‘this degree of cohesion is extremely unusual’ in their experience of the Prep School sector. I think we can all be very proud of this – and thank you to all parents for the part you play in so successfully supporting and upholding the ethos and values of the school. 

Performing Arts Week 
My huge thanks to Mrs Mudd and her superb team for the outstanding week we have had. The Spring Spectacular lived up to its name – how wonderful to see so many pupils, from our very youngest to our very oldest, performing with such confidence and with such joy. It was a delight. The House Music today was just as joyful, with an incredible 98 pupils performing individually to collect points for their houses – many of them for the first time ever! We ended the day with a rousing House Singing Competition – all Year 2 to Year 8 pupils performing in their houses, with dance moves, costumes, and even live instrumentssupporting their songs. What a brilliant way to end the week. 

Year 2 World Food Day– from Mrs Morton and Miss Fisher 
The children in Year 2 had a fabulous World Food Day on Wednesday led by Mrs Brown. Not only did they learn about the medicinal uses of various spices, it was wonderful to see the children all involved and trying lots of new foods!  

Dumpton Talks – Wednesday 15 March 
We have received lots of interest in our Dumpton Talks event which takes place next Wednesday (15 March).  The evening promises to be interesting and thought provoking and the poster is attached again for your information.  Please do remember to reserve your space. Some evening refreshments will be provided! 

Lovely feedback from Wimborne Minster Town Council 
We received the below following Y5’s volunteer work on Global Citizenship Day last week. It is great to see Dumpton pupils have such a positive impact on our local community: what lovely, well deserved feedback to that year group for their efforts. 
“Just writing to say thank you very much for your volunteers to Wimborne Minster Town Council on Friday last. What a group of dynamic children you have there! We were all very impressed with their ‘can do’ nature, nothing was to much for them. A real credit to your school and their parents, we really appreciate all the work they did here and at the recreational grounds and allotments.” 

British Science Week– from Mrs Catton, Head of Science 
Next week is British Science Week, and we will be celebrating throughout the week, with the theme for 2023 being ‘connections’. This gives lots of opportunities to explore how science is connected to the real world, with ecosystem connections here at Dumpton, and beyond, discovering our connection with the planet as the dominant species, Homo sapiens. Topics such as climate change and human impacts on the oceans, pollution, circuits, communication, and food webs will be the focus in science lessons. Year 5s will experience space in the Planetarium at the Winchester Science Centre. On Friday, everyone in Year 3 to 8 will enjoy an immersive dome show, with topics from Biodiversity on the micro-level, to the origins of life and the dinosaurs. A national British Science Week poster competition on ‘connections’ will run until the end of term, with the 5 best judged posters to be submitted. Further information and ideas can be found here: https://www.britishscienceweek.org/plan-your-activities/poster-competition/  

Reception Visit to Moors Valley  
Tuesday was an exciting day as the Reception children explored signs of spring in Moors Valley. Despite the forecast, the weather was kind to them, it was dry and the sun even attempted to come out! A highlight was the exciting trip on the train which all the children (and adults) loved.  
Charity Non Uniform Day on Friday
Red Nose Day is back again next week (Friday 17 March).  As part of Charity Week, the pupils may come to school in their own clothes, but rather than a monetary donation we will again ask for each child to bring a donation for Wimborne Food Bank. Thank you for your support. The food bank are currently looking for - Meat Meals / Curry, Jam, Tinned Ham / Corned Beef, 4 Pack Toilet Rolls, Tinned Potatoes, Toothbrushes, Tinned Custard, Washing Up Liquid, Dry Spaghetti, Washing Pods, Small Packs Of Porridge and Packs Of Sugar.

Key Events Next Week: (please see sports site and calendar for all fixtures)     
Week 10: Theme of the week - Charity 

Monday 13 March 
ABRSM Music Exams 
All Day: Reception visit Farmer Palmers 
5.30pm: Full Governors Meeting 
Tuesday 14 March 
ABRSM Music Exams 
All Day:Y5 Visit to Winchester Science Centre 
10.45am: School Council Meeting - Sport (AR) 
4.30pm: Y8 Parents' Evening 
Wednesday 15 March 
7.45pm: Dumpton Talks - Challenging Gender Stereotypes - In-person event 
Thursday 16 March 
8.30am: Prep School Assembly - Performing Arts & Sports Reports 
3.45pm: Reception Parents' Evening 
3.45pm: Y1 & Y2 Parents' Evening 
4.30pm: Y7 Parents' Evening 
Friday 1March 
All Day: Comic Relief - Non Uniform Day 
All Day: Science Dome 
8.15am: Y3 Parents Drop In Session 
8.30am: Nursery (Bluebells & Dandelions) Parents’ Coffee Morning 
10.45am: Headmaster's Book Club 

With best wishes for the weekend.

Christian Saenger


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