Headmasters Newsletter, Friday 6th September 2024
06 September 2024

Headmaster's Newsletter, Friday 6th September 2024

Dear Parents

What a terrific start to term. Despite the best efforts of the weather, it has been wonderful to see so many smiling faces as we have started the school year – from our youngest and newest pupils, to our oldest and most experienced. The first few days of term are always such an exciting time for all concerned, full of hope and joy, and the optimism that comes from a new beginning: every child is starting a new chapter of their story. This year, so many staff have remarked that we have rarely seen the children return to school so well. I must say, whatever you did over the holidays parents, it worked! 

As a staff, we spend the first few days re-establishing our expectations, routines, and the special culture here at Dumpton. The cornerstone of this is our values: Be Kind and Aim High. At Dumpton, these four words are more than just words – it is our aim that they live and breathe here in the corridors and the classrooms, in our conversations and in our actions. They provide a shared understanding of what matters to us most, binding us together as a community. Ultimately, they shape our culture – what our pupils see, hear and feel around them each moment they spend here – and what could be more important than that?  

It has been an utter pleasure, therefore, to wander round the school and see doors held open for teachers and peers, to see new pupils welcomed so warmly, to observe acts of empathy and thoughtfulness, as well as seeing children try new things for the first time, showing bravery and courage, and being so determined to make a positive first impression on their teachers. Well done to our brilliant Dumpton pupils for living the values so well in the first week back... a most promising start to the year indeed.  

The Year Ahead – Information Evenings
We hope as many parents as possible will be able to join us on Monday/Tuesday evening for this key event in the school calendar. This evening will provide you with a range of information to help the year ahead go as smoothly as possible for you and your child – and this year we will also be giving an update on the situation with VAT and school fees.

The arrangements for the evening are as follows: 

  • Monday 9 September for Reception to Y2 parents, and Tuesday 10 September for Y3 to Y7 parents  
  • Please arrive at 7.30pm for a presentation in the Assembly Hall  
  • Parents will then be guided to their child’s classroom to hear from form tutors and have a chance to discuss more details about the year ahead for your children  
  • The evening will finish with a drinks reception for parents and staff on the Sports Hall Balcony 

Dumpton Friends Coffee Morning
Thank you to the Dumpton Friends team, and the catering staff, for putting on such a well attended Coffee Morning this morning. So lovely to see so many new parents in attendance, and we hope everyone enjoyed making some new aquitances. There are lots more Dumpton Friends events planned, including the superb Dumpton Stroll on Sunday 29 September. Do check Classlist for more details.  

Residential Trips Next Week – Y8 and Y5
Our Y8s head off to Scotland tomorrow for the trip of a lifetime at the Ridgway Adventure Centre on the North West Coast of Scotland. It’s a remarkable experience for them, and we’ll be sure to update you on their various experiences next week through our social media channels. The same can be said for our brave Y5s who head to the Purbecks for a beginning of term team building and camping trip. What a way to start the new academic year! My thanks go to the dedicated staff accompanying them as ever. 

Prep School Sports Fixtures Next Week – From Mr Randle
Next week sees our first sports fixtures of the year, with teams playing hockey and football against Forres Sandal Manor. Good luck to the Y3 boys and girls who will play their first fixtures for Dumpton!

Fair Trade Fortnight

In support of Fair Trade Fortnight (commencing Monday 9 September), Dumpton pupils will be baking and selling Fair Trade scones and jam at the gate on Monday 9 September - not to be missed!  They also challenge all Dumpton families to replace two items in their weekly shop with Fair Trade versions and to make this a permanent change if you can.  Supporting Fair Trade has a beneficial impact on the lives of farmers in developing countries around the globe, helping to alleviate poverty, hunger and improve education for children and their families.  Thank you for your support. 

A plea for land!

Following the success of Year 8's Spring Tree Planting for Global Citizenship Day, we are hoping to take this much further in 2025.  As part of our Global Citizenship Pathway, we will be focusing on positive 'Climate Action' (Sustainable Development Goal 13) and Earthshot Goals 'Protect & Restore Nature' and 'Fix our Climate'.  We are therefore looking for an additional 5 local sites on which to plant more trees at the end of March (exact date tbc).  

If you are able to support Dumpton pupils in making this positive difference to the planet and our local environment and have an area of land that would benefit from some tree/hedge planting then do please get in touch.  We will provide the trees and the labour! 

NSEA at Dumpton

Calling all Pony & Horse riding Dumpton Children! We are preparing to start the new National Schools Equestrian Association (NSEA) year and would like to invite your Son / Daughter to join our team. Taking part as individuals and as part of the Dumpton team in regular competitions, mainly at Moreton Equestrian Centre, Grassroots show jumping, show jumping, Eventing & Dressage. There is something on offer for all levels. If you are interested please contact nsea@dumpton.com for further details. 

Car Park Etiquette 

Thank you to all parents for observing the following in the school car park, which helps ensure we keep all the members of the school community safe: 

  • Please do not park in the drop off bays in the morning. Parents wishing to park and walk their children into school should use the top car park and walk down the safe pathway to school
  • Please drive very slowly on the school site to keep all our pupils safe 
  • Please carefully supervise your children in the car parks 
  • Please do not leave your engine running in your cars 

 Message from Matrons

This is a gentle reminder to complete the dietary form which was sent out by the Matrons, especially if there are any changes to your child’s diet. 

Rugby Tots at Dumpton

As well as offering a Pre-Prep Hobby, the RugbyTots team are offering sessions each Saturday in the Dumpton Sportshall. Please see attached flyers.

Music Timetable

Music and LAMDA lessons commence next week. The timetable for these lessons is published each Friday, do feel free to check lesson times.

Headmaster Christian Saenger

Key Events Week Beginning 09/09/2024    

Week 2: Theme of the Week: Be Kind (RULER) 


 All week  

Y8 Residential Trip to Ridgway Adventure, Scotland 

Prep School Individual Music Lessons, LAMDA & Early Morning Tennis all begin this week 

  Monday 9 September 

Fairtrade Fortnight Begins Today 

16.15: Fair Trade Scones and Jam for Sale at the Gate! 

19.30: The Year Ahead: Information Evening for Parents (Reception to Y2) 

  Tuesday 10 September 

Y5 Residential Camp (Brenscombe) departs 

PM: Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

19.30: The Year Ahead: Information Evening for Parents (Y3-Y7) 

  Wednesday 11 September 

8.30: First Musical Ducklings Session - parents with children age 2 and under 

PM: Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

  Friday 13 September 

8.30: Prep School Junior Class Assembly - RULER  (3G) 


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