Headmasters Letter 27th September 2024
27 September 2024

Headmaster's Letter 27th September 2024

Dear Parents 

Each week at Dumpton we are guided by a theme. Each theme acts as a signpost for our conversations that week, and each theme contributes in its own way to celebrating and embedding our school ethos and values. This week it was ‘Celebrating other Cultures’: a chance to remind the children that we are all unique, all different; a chance to celebrate that the world is full of rich and wonderful diversity; and a chance to ensure that children are always respectful - and always positive - about the differences within our communities, both within the walls of our school and beyond.  

7T’s superb assembly on Tuesday captured this expertly and poignantly in their presentation on European Day of Languages, and I know the Pre-Prep children are embarking on a wonderful collaborative art project to celebrate every single child’s own unique talent and strengths. 

At Dumpton though, celebrating diversity is more than just a response to cultural zeitgeist – it's something deeply connected to our ‘Be Kind’ ethos, our efforts to build emotional literacy, and our strong belief that every child should ‘treat others as they would like to be treated themselves’. It makes us so proud to see how the pupils respond. We genuinely see, hear and indeed feel the kindness permeate the corridors and classrooms of the school each day. 

Baines Cutler Survey 
The survey closes on Monday! I am sure it’s not the most exciting thing to put on your to do list this weekend – but the more data we have the better informed the Governors, Justin Perry and I will be for all our vital decision making in the coming months. 

Junior and Senior Drop Ins 
Thank you to all parents who took up these optional opportunities to spend a little time in school with your child reflecting on their start to the year or catching up with a teacher. We continue to prioritise the quality of our communication with you as parents, and we hope the blend of informal and formal face to face opportunities, as well as varying reports published each half term provide you with a strong sense of your children’s attitude and progress at school. That said, it's always worth reinforcing – you can contact us at ANYTIME to discuss your child's progress. 

Marwell Zoo Science Trip - from Mrs Catton 
Year 7 and 8 were impeccably behaved at Marwell Zoo, and we enjoyed an informative workshop on Conservation, and the value of Marwell Zoo for Wildlife. We learned about ecosystems around the globe, and how our activities can impact the wildlife within them. Do ask about the success stories of the Patula snails and Scimitar-horned Oryx. Look out for the photos of some of the extraordinary animals we were lucky to see. 

The word ‘biblical’ was used to describe the rain this week – but it didn’t stop our hardy sports teams enjoying a very soggy and muddy set of hockey and football fixtures against Port Regis. The lovely match reports which we try to write for every single team each week are attached below. 

Dumpton Talks – Mrs Wort 
Thank you to all the parents who came for the Dumpton Talks event this morning – it was so well attended Many parents have remarked what a useful introduction it was to phonics and reading, as their Reception children start this exciting journey at school. A life-long love of reading begins here! 

Equestrian Nationals 
Last weekend Ava W & her pony, Cassy ventured out for another qualifier at Moreton Equestrian Centre, representing Dumpton's NSEA team, in Arena Eventing. The combination stormed through the pack placing 2nd in 70/75cm class and 3rd 80/85cm class resulting in qualification to enter the 26th annual NSEA National Championships in Buckinghamshire next month. We’re really proud of Ava and wish her the best for the Nationals! 

Individual School Portraits 
The proofs were sent home with pupils at the beginning of the week. Just a reminder that the final date for placing orders (and avoiding postage and packing costs) is Monday (30 September). 

With best wishes 

Christian Saenger 

Key events happening week beginning 30/09/2024: 


Week 5: Theme of the Week - Charity 

Tuesday 1 October  
PM: Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

Wednesday 2 October  
PM: Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

Thursday 3 October  
Y2 Visit to Highcliffe Castle 
14.00: Reception Visit to Streets Meadow Residential Home 
19.30: Dumpton Friends Quiz & Cheese Night 

Friday 4 October  
Football Boys-U13A IAPS Qualifier - Clayesmore - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 
8.30: Prep School Junior Class Assembly (5T) - Charity 
17.15: Y6, Y7 & Y8 Dumpton Friends Disco – please see Classlist for details 


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