Headmasters Letter 4th October 2024
04 October 2024

Headmaster's Letter 4th October 2024

Dear Parents 

After my chesty cold and croaky voice at the start of term unfortunately developed into pneumonia last week, I have been on ‘very light duties’. With Mrs Shaw and others ably stepping into my shoes, I have been able to rest and recover – but also had the time and space to reflect. Firstly, I have been reminded that our wellbeing (our health and happiness) is incredibly precious. Secondly, that it is probably more fragile than we realise. And thirdly, that we too often take it for granted! 

I am so proud that we do so much to prioritise pupil wellbeing at Dumpton. We of course hope that every child at Dumpton is happy, healthy and thriving throughout their time at Dumpton – what could be more important? But if there are bumps in the road (and there will be for most children at some point in their schooling) we will do all we can to ensure we are there to support your child if ever they are struggling and in need of support. Parents will be familiar with our focus on Emotional Literacy through RULER over the past 4 years, but the last 12 months has seen a number of other wellbeing initiatives introduced by the staff team: a Wellbeing Team of key staff who meet weekly to discuss pupils and decide support; three ELSAs (Emotional Learning Support Assistants) trained who offer 1:1 support to pupils through the week; Mental Health First Aid Awareness Training for all our staff; a regular wellbeing survey introduced for pupils as well as a Wellbeing Committee of our School Council to promote pupil voice in this area.  

But all these efforts are perhaps indicative of my fourth and final reflection from this week – that in doing so much to take care of our children, let’s remember we also need to take care of ourselves too. If we are honest, how many of us – parents and teachers - are always putting our children first? How many of us are failing to apply the same efforts and energy to our own wellbeing as we do to that of the children in our care?  

So my weekend message to all of you this week is, for once, be far more focused on you than on your wonderful children. Make sure you look after yourselves. Do things that make you happy and healthy. And don’t feel guilty about putting yourself first once in a while! “We can only help our children thrive, if we are thriving ourselves...” 

Y2 Castle Visit – from the Y2 Teachers 
On Thursday, Year 2 went on a quest to the wonderful Highcliffe Castle as part of their Knights and Castles topic. They toured the inside and out searching for dragons, shields and grotesques, finding out all about how the castle was organised and how people had lived in it over 200 years ago. In the afternoon, they were all knighted in a regal ceremony and then continued their quests on the castle lawns and through the maze.  

Reception Visit to Streets Meadow – from the Reception Teachers 
Great global citizenship was demonstrated on Thursday afternoon with Reception’s visit to Streets Meadow. Mrs Radford led a delightful singing session with both children and residents singing along to harvest songs and rhymes - well done Reception! 

Please see this week’s match reports attached after a brilliant week of sport. Well done to all the teams who played in fixtures against Castle Court, or at tournaments. A special mention to our U11 Girls who reached the final of the King Edward’s Hockey Tournament, and also our U13 Boys who performed admirably at the IAPS Regional Tournament Today. 

IAPS U13 Regional Football Tournament – From Mr Jeremiah What an amazing team performance from all nine of the boys involved in today’s IAPS Football Tournament at Clayesmore School. They played with control, commitment and a real competitive edge. They may well have lost to a last minute goal to Cheam (who went on to win the tournament) in the quarter finals but our three games in the group stages showed just how much this team has progressed in such a short time, including a magnificent hard fought draw against a very strong Millfield side. Whilst some of the boys may have been disappointed with our exit from the event, I also hope that when they look back at what they achieved today they will recognise and smile about what they achieved and how they have progressed as a team. 

From Dumpton Friends – Quiz and Bake Sale for MacMillan 
Thank you to all those who attended the brilliantly entertaining quiz last night. The event was supported by The East Street Deli, who provided hugely generous cheeses for tasting, along with delicious chutneys and a fantastic hamper for the winning team. Please check out their shop in Wimborne or get on their mailing list to get special insights and upcoming offers. Our Quizmaster Anthony Swift created a fantastic quiz full of cheese and challenge, so if you missed out on your place, be sure to look out for our next event! 
Next week we are hosting a bake sale to raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support.  This will take place on Wednesday 9 October from 8-9.15am and from 3.15-5.30pm in the parent pick-up area. If we have any talented bakers, we would love you to donate some bakes for us to sell for this worthy cause.  Please bring any bakes to reception by the end of the school day on Tuesday. Please can you list any main allergens (dairy, wheat/celery/soy/eggs/ sesame/ fish/ Shellfish) and keep all bakes NUT FREE) No worries if you cannot bake, you can show your support by purchasing some delicious treats! 
Non School Uniform Day (collection for Wimborne Food Bank) - Friday 11 October  
A reminder to all pupils to bring a donation for Wimborne Food Bank on Friday for the non-uniform day. The items the food bank particularly needs right now are tinned carrots, tinned custard, long life milk, rice, coffee, tinned potatoes, tinned sweetcorn and pasta sauce but any donations will of course be gratefully received. We are very pleased to be directly supporting our local community – thank you in advance! 

Sport Opportunities for Dumpton Parents 
Perhaps linked neatly to my musing above on wellbeing, I thought I would remind parents that in the recent years a range of informal sporting opportunities have sprung up within the Dumpton community. There is currently weekly football on the astro on Friday evenings, weekly netball in the Sportshall on Wednesday evenings, and next year there will be more opportunities to play in enjoyable parent and staff hockey and cricket fixtures. All abilities are welcomed and encouraged. Do look out for information on Classlist, or speak to the school office if you’d like more information. 

With best wishes for the weekend. 

Christian Saenger 

Key events happening next week:

Week B 

Theme of the Week – Equality, Diversity & Inclusion 

Monday 7 October 

13:30 Prep School Geography Quiz, Canford School (group of pupils) 

Tuesday 8 October 

8:30 Prep School Senior Class Assembly (8L

14:15 Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

Wednesday 9 October 

8:30 Reception 2025 – Parents Information Session 

14:15 Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

15:15 MacMillan Bake Sale (Dumpton Friends) 

Thursday 10 October 

Y6 Rivers Trip (Geography) 

Friday 11 October 

Whole School Non School Uniform Day – collection for Wimborne Food Bank 

8:30 Prep School Junior Assembly – Y2 Harvest (Y2 parents are very welcome to attend) 


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