Headmasters Letter 11th October 2024
11 October 2024

Headmaster's Letter 11th October 2024

Dear Parents 

It was a very colourful day at Dumpton today, with all the children and staff wearing their home clothes. Y2 kicked off the day with a tremendously confident and enjoyable Harvest Assembly and thank you to every single pupil who donated items to Wimborne Foodbank today – I could barely walk through the front hall to my office due to the mounds and piles of produce! 

It’s fitting that a week where we focused on ‘Equality, Diversity and Inclusion’ ended in such a riot of colour, and with a display of such generosity, thoughtfulness and kindness. Our EDI message to the children is a really simple one: firstly, that each and everyone of us is unique, and no matter our differences, our wonderful diversity should always be celebrated and never be feared; and secondly, that we must work hard to ensure that, as ‘upstanders, not bystanders’, those at risk of not being included always are. It sits at the heart of our ‘Be Kind’ ethos... as the children will tell you, at Dumpton ‘we treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves’. 

Your children continue to amaze us in the way that they embrace the kindness and empathy at Dumpton, and the positive contribution they make to the special community we have here. I can promise you, spending time with them here at Dumpton is a great antidote to any doom and gloom headlines in the news... if your children are anything to go by, a kinder, fairer, future is on the way! 

Independent School of the Year Award Results! 
Our commitment to gender equality and kindness was just one of a number of areas of school life looked at by the judges of the ‘Co-Educational School of the Year Award’. Sadly, having reached the final, of Tuesday’s Awards Ceremony at the Law Society in London we lost out to Millfield and Ballard – but we are so proud that Dumpton represented the Prep School sector amongst so many incredible Senior Schools, and that Dumpton continues to gain such recognition on a national scale. 

Reception 2025 Parents Information Session 
It was lovely to spend time with a number of parents whose children are registered to start Reception in September 2025 at Dumpton. Mrs Wort and I greatly enjoyed speaking about Dumpton life, and we are so grateful to the Reception staff and children for letting us peer in their lessons!  

Your Open Day, Your Way 
We launched a short video on our socials today to promote Dumpton. Most schools organise Open Days each term – but at Dumpton, we’re so proud of what we do each and every day, that we’d far prefer that parents see the school in authentic action. If you know any parents interested in sending their child to Dumpton, do encourage them to get in touch to book a private tour of the school at a time to suit them. 

Form Tutor Parents Evenings’ 
Next week, we invite all parents to meet their child’s form teacher for a short meeting about how they have settled into the year. These meetings will be a perfect opportunity for you and your child’s tutor to discuss anything relating to the general wellbeing and happiness of your child; it is our hope that these conversations are an important part of maintaining strong communication between home and school across the school year so every single child is supported. Please look out for Mr Morgan’s letters which were sent today, with details about how to book your slot. 

DECA Fun Run – from Miss Goodhew and Mr Tridgell 
The Juniors and a few guest Seniors gathered on the Astro on Thursday evening to take part in the DECA fun run. The run was organised in aid of Great Ormond Street Hospital and Project Planet Earth, and we thank all of the Dumpton community for any monies donated to these two wonderful charities. The pupils sourced many blue items to wear for the event and they took part with great humour, energy and enthusiasm. Madame Curson was an absolute star warming the children up and keeping their momentum going throughout the run. It really was an event full of atmosphere and excitement. The event ended with the Macarena led by Miss Ashworth, Mrs Shaw and Miss Shepherd. Thank you to all involved - for the organisation, the participation, the spectating, the running and the dancing. A great example of the Dumpton community coming together. 

Y6 Rivers Trip 
Y6 visited Burley yesterday for their Geography field trip. The trip introduced the pupils to some valuable GCSE level skills – they enjoyed wading in the river and collected and recorded data. 

A huge well done to all the boys and girls who competed so well in their fixtures this week. Please do read the lovely match reports attached below which paint such a fantastic picture of the children's progress in their sports as well as their sportsmanship.

From Dumpton Friends 
MacMillan Cancer Support Bake Sale - thank you so much for all the wonderful baked donations and support for the event on Wednesday. We raised a fantastic £400 that will all go direct to the charity.  

Christmas Party!  We are very excited to announce this year’s Christmas Party will be at The Alpine Bar in The Olive Branch, Wimborne on Thursday 28th November. Please see attached poster below and go to Classlist to buy your tickets from Tuesday next week. 

Christmas Wreath Making - After the success last year, we are returning to The Old Thatch, Wimborne for two wreath making sessions on Tuesday 3rd December. Please visit Classlist to book your tickets now - please note there is a morning session (10-12pm) and an evening session (7.30-9.30pm).  

Planet Wimborne Green Festival
Finally, we have been asked to bring to your attention some events taking place locally in connection with Wimborne's Green Festival - please see flyers attached.

With best wishes for the weekend. 

Christian Saenger 

Key events happening week beginning: 14/10/24 
Week 7: Theme of the Week - Rights & Responsibilities 


Monday 14 October 

16.30: Y7 & Y8 - Final of Public Speaking Competition 

Tuesday 15 October  

8.30: Prep School Senior Class Assembly (7C) - World Food Day 

PM: Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

Wednesday 16 October 

Y1 Space Day 

PM: Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

Thursday 17 October 

Y4 Visit to Monkey World 

PM: PEDSSA Cross Country - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

Friday 18 October  

Y3 Visit to the Ancient Technology Centre, Cranborne 

8.30: Prep School Junior Class Assembly (4B) - International Eradication of Poverty Day 

10.45: Headmaster's Book Club 


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