Headmasters Letter 21st June 2024
21 June 2024

Headmaster's Letter 21st June 2024

Dear Parents 

One of the things I love about working in a 13+ Prep School is the interactions between our older and younger pupils. Children can spend over a decade at Dumpton, and to our youngest pupils, those children at the top of the school can appear to be almost like grown-ups! 

Yesterday our superb Y7 pupils spent the morning buddied up with our Y2 children in advance of their transition to the Prep School in September. Everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. Having responsibility for these younger pupils, and knowing that they are role models to them, is hugely beneficial for our older pupils in terms of helping them be their very best selves. It’s also a first taste of leadership, and marks the beginning of Leadership Programme that plays a key part of their Dumpton Diploma. For our Y2s, how lovely to have such brilliant role models to aspire to, and also some friendly faces to look out for in September. 

It’s a really busy time at school – a big thank you to parents for supporting all our events so well in the run up to the end of term. We do hope you are managing to juggle it all with your work commitments, but I hope you’ll agree that whether its musical performances of dance shows, sports days or cricket fixtures, or of course the very special Speech Day at the end of term – that celebrating the success of your children and sharing these events as a community is a real joy. It’s been really love to see so much of so many of you. 

Summer Serenade 
What a lovely occasion. The sun shone, the children performed beautifully... there was even some Pimms! The quality of performances was notable, from the instrumental ensembles, to the wonderful choirs. To hear so many of our Y8 boys and girls singing together so beautifully at the end was not only very moving, but also an example of the strength of the performing arts at Dumpton. 

Cricket Season 
What a cricket season too! With a host of strong performances against our good friends Castle Court on Tuesday and Wednesday, there's clearly been some fantastic progress across the school, in what is one of the trickier and more technical sports. It’s such a joy to see boys and girls playing together, supporting one another, and developing their skills sets. With so many Dumpton boys and girls involved in All Stars and Dynamos cricket at Wimborne CC each Friday, and also so many older children in their Dorset County set-up, the future is very bright indeed for cricket at Dumpton.  

Canford Swimming Gala - from Mr Jeremiah 
Smiles, nerves, excitement, encouragement and general all-round team spirit were on show at the Canford Y5 & Y6 Swimming Gala on Tuesday afternoon. All the swimmers put in very strong performances in a range of individual and relay events. Every member of the team came away with at least one medal from the event. Overall, the girls won the team event, and the boys jointly won the boys' event. It really was a special afternoon of swimming. 

UKMT Junior Kangaroo 
Alexander S, Bertie B & Ivory J all recently took part in the UKMT Junior Kangaroo after qualifying with excellent scores in the Junior Maths Challenge earlier in the term.  The highest ever score was required to gain a 'Merit' in the Junior Kangaroo, and Alexander did brilliantly to achieve one on this very challenging paper.  Both Bertie and Ivory did incredibly well to qualify in the first place but missed out on the award of a 'Merit'.  Really well done to all three pupils. 

Poetry Recitation Competition 
All the pupils in Years 3 - 6 have learned a poem by heart over the past few weeks.  There was an interesting selection, showing some pupils were really aiming high in their choice of poem. The best performers from each English class have been chosen to present their poems to the school next week in the Semi Finals.  On Monday, we will kick off with pupils in Years 5 and 6, and on Tuesday we will hear from Years 3 and 4 – both during the 8.30am Prep School Assembly slot in the Assembly Hall.  The Final of the whole competition will take place on Monday 1 July at 4.30pm in the Recital Room. If your child is in the Semi Finals or Final, then you are invited to come and watch. 

Y4 Campout 
Y4 had a terrific night camping at school yesterday evening, They pitched their tents, played hide and seek in the woods, giggled their way down the slip n slide before cooking and eating together round the fire. They then spent today enjoying themselves at Moors Valley Country Park. What wonderful memories they will have made – a big thank to you to Mr Cox and all the staff involved. It is Y3’s turn next week! 

Nursery and Reception Sports Day 
Our youngest athletes performed with such enthusiasm and joy at their Sports Day on Tuesday. It is always lovely to see the children enjoying their races and supporting one another so happily. 

Y2 Transition Day  
As well as buddying up with Y7 pupils our Y2 children had their first ever sports fixture at Dumpton on Thursday. They played an exciting game of Dimond Cricket with parents invited to spectate and enjoy a match tea afterwards. Thank you to Mr Harris, Miss Shepherd and the Prep School Games staff for organising the afternoon. 

Prep Sports Day – Wednesday 26 June - a few reminders from Mr Randle: 

- Children should arrive in sports kit so all athletics kit will come home on Tuesday. 

- Events start promptly at 10am.

- Parking will be on the top field by the Sports Hall - there will be marshals to direct you.

- It might not be the best day for dogs to be on site, but if you do need to bring your dog along, please ensure they are on the lead, and that any mess is carefully removed. 

- If the weather forecast suggests it won't be viable to run we'll try and make a decision before the day. School will take place as normal if we need to postpone. 

- All unaccompanied pupils will be based by the Pavilion under the blue gazebos and Mrs Shaw will be signing them in and out. 


Sal’s Shoes Collection 

As in previous years we will be collecting any outgrown shoes to be distributed to those in need. We would be grateful for any donations between now and the end of term. Please bring to the Front Office. We will also be collecting school shoes immediately after Speech Day. For more information, please look here www.salsshoes.com

 Water Bottles – a reminder from Matron 
Pupils are frequently forgetting to bring their water bottles into school. Whilst we are always happy to lend bottles to the children, we do have a limited supply. It is so important to keep hydrated, more so than ever now that the weather is warmer. Please could we ask you to ensure that your child always has a named water bottle with them every day – thank you. 

With everything being so busy, we have popped the final two weeks of the calendar below for your information. 

With best wishes, 

Christian Saenger 

Key Events Week Beginning 24/06/2024: 
Week 10: Theme of the Week - Creativity 

Monday 24 June 

Y8 Leavers' Programme: In School Activities 

15.30: Pre-Prep Country Dancing Show - Reception to Y2 involved. No Pre-Prep hobbies. 

16.15: Final LAMDA Session for Juniors 

Tuesday 25 June 

Y8 Leavers' Programme: Dorset Adventure Park 

PM: Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 

Wednesday 26 June 

10.00: Prep School Sports Day 

Thursday 27 June 

Year 3 Overnight Camp 

ABRSM Exams (requested date) 

Y8 Leavers' Programme: In School Activities 

7.30: Final Junior Early Morning Tennis of the Term 

16.15: Final DECA of the term 

17.00: Y8 Leavers' Programme: Leavers' Supper 

Friday 28 June 

Y8 Leavers' Programme: In School Activities 

7.30: Final Senior Early Morning Tennis of the Term 

13.00: Final LAMDA Session for Seniors 

14.15: Y1 & Y2 Sports Day 

16.15: Final Prep School Hobbies of the Term 


Key Events Week Beginning 01/07/2024: 


Week 11: Theme of the Week - Reflecting on Our Achievements 

Monday 1 July 

Y8 Leavers' Programme: Residential Trip to Cornwall 

Athletics Senior National Championships - Birmingham 

8.45: Year 2 Instrumental Concert: Recital Hall: refreshments in Dining Hall from 8.30am 

16.30: Y3 - Y6 Poetry Recitation Competition Final 

Tuesday 2 July 

Y8 Leavers' Programme: Residential Trip to Cornwall 

Y1 & Y2 Outing to the Beach 

Wednesday 3 July 

Y8 Leavers' Programme: Residential Trip to Cornwall 

9.00: Move Up Morning 

Thursday 4 July 

Y8 Leavers' Programme: Residential Trip to Cornwall 

15.30: Final Pre-Prep Hobbies of the Term 

Friday 5 July 

10.00: Speech Day 

- All children from Reception to Y8 to be dropped off at school at 9.30am.  

- Please note there will be NO BUSES.  

- Drinks will be served for parents before the ceremony begins.  

- Nursery will open as usual at 8.15am and will close for the end of term at 11.30am. 

11.30: Dumpton Friends - Summer Picnic 



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