Dear Parents
It’s been a very enjoyable end to the week (and a colourful and noisy one too!), with children enjoying a non-uniform day, as well as the Discos organised by our brilliant Dumpton Friends volunteers. Our Theme of the Week was Charity, and as well as raising money today, across the week children have explored the idea of charity and its important place in the world, as well as undertaking some fundraising opportunities themselves. A big thank you to 8C for their very amusing assembly on Tuesday which pitted the staff against the pupils in a big charity quiz (alas, the staff came out on top!), as well as 4B who spearheaded their own fundraising this week inspired by their trip to Monkey World.
It seems fitting therefore that in a week where empathy for others less fortunate than ourselves has been a key message, that the word ‘Kindness’ was recently voted as the Children’s Word of the Year 2024. In a school where ‘Be Kind’ is one of our two core values, and where Empathy is one of our Dumpton Way Virtues, we are delighted about this. I still strongly believe, as important as so many other aspects of Dumpton life are, that creating a kind, caring, and nurturing school matters more than anything else. I also strongly believe that learning how to be a kind, caring and empathetic individual is integral to our children’s future happiness and success.
I will leave you with the words of the organiser Andrea Quincey, who I think puts things rather well:
“It is so encouraging that kindness has been voted—by a considerable majority—as the Oxford Children’s Word of the Year for 2024. We know from previous years that young people are very conscious of the big issues that can divide us as a society and attuned to the important role which language can play in bringing people together. This choice suggests something more personal: an awareness of mental health issues and of the hidden challenges others may be facing. It tells us that empathy, and tolerance and the language we use matter, and that kindness is not only a solution to so many problems but is something everyone and anyone can do to make a difference.”
Children's Mental Health Week - Monday 3 to Friday 7 February
We have organised some wonderful activities this year for the children throughout the whole school from Nursery to Y8. The theme this year is 'know yourself, grow yourself'. There is a wellbeing trail in our woods which the children will have the opportunity to explore during breaktimes and some wellbeing activities during the lunch breaks ranging from Mindful colouring to breathing techniques and even knitting a scarf for a teddy with our Y8 ambassadors. The week culminates with 'wear your scarf to school day' on Friday 7 February and a class assembly on this theme from 4A. We really hope the children will enjoy the week and feel it has had a positive impact on their wellbeing.
Dumpton Talks Reminder
Last week we launched our Dumpton Talks, and I am delighted that we have already had plenty of bookings. I have always felt that parenting is the most important job we will ever do, and our most challenging one too! So if you are interested in how you are going to manage smartphones and social media, struggling to balance being a loving parent whilst ensuring suitable boundaries for behaviour, or looking to explore how different approaches, questions or mindsets might support your child developing the independence they need to thrive as an adult, why don’t you come along. The Talks can be booked here:
Primary Maths Challenge - Bonus Round – From Mr Smith
Congratulations to Austin W, Sebby S and Jayden L who have all qualified for the Primary Maths Challenge Bonus Round. This is an excellent achievement and is as a result of their scores in the PMC in November 2024. We wish them good luck in the Bonus Round next week and look forward to seeing how they get on.
From Mrs Wort, Head of Pre-Prep
As I have walked around the Nursery and Pre-Prep this week, I have been struck by the degree of engagement all our learners are demonstrating. Classes have been full of chatter as children and staff discuss ideas to build and grow their learning. Rooms have at times been a hushed silence as children work to complete tasks to a high standard. Performance and sports facilities have been full of music and movement during performing arts and PE lessons. It has been a showcase for the children's positive attitudes towards their learning and how much they derive from all the experiences available to them at Dumpton. 2H were able to share their wonderful Australian inspired writing and artwork with parents this week in the first of our Pre-Prep class assemblies, with more to follow as the term progresses. It is Pre-Prep parents' evenings next week and I know the teachers are keen to share all the progress the children have been making, and we hope you enjoy sharing in your child's success as much as we do each day.
From 4B
4B would like to thank everyone for generously supporting their bake sale and raffle yesterday. We are very excited to have raised over £200 which will enable us to adopt the baby orangutan that Monkey World has recently taken in. We look forward to sharing further details about her and are proud to know that our small sale will help her to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment.
More Sporting Success
A very quick well done to our Netball U13A Team who have qualified for the County Finals after a strong showing at their tournament yesterday, as well as our U11A Boys who won their second tournament in a week, and became County Champions on Wednesday. Today they competed in the IAPS Regionals at King’s Bruton, and we have just heard the wonderful news that they have qualitfied for the Nationals later this term. What an amazing achievement.
House Art Competition
Our brand-new Prep School House Art Competition has an inspiring theme: Create an image of a person you admire! Whether it's a hero from history, a modern-day icon, or someone close to your heart, let your imagination run wild. You can use any medium—paint, pencil, collage, digital art—the choice is yours! Please restrict the image to A4 size and put your name, class and house on the back of the image. Closing date is Friday 28th February. All entries to Mr Loe
Smart Watches - From Mrs Shaw
Aren’t smart watches amazing! They allow us all to multitask so effectively and are a real staple in many of our adult lives. However, at school, they are incredibly distracting for both the children wearing them and those around! It is also very distressing for children when they lose them. This is just a reminder to leave those watches at home, please, although a watch that just tells the time is, of course, totally fine, and recommended.
Holiday Clubs
Yesterday we sent out our Holiday Clubs at Dumpton poster, as well as a chance to book for the Easter Holiday Club. We’re delighted to be able to offer more holiday provision for children and to support you all as parents too. Please also find attached posters for Netball Stars and Harry Morgan’s Soccer Club, both of which take place during half term. Jess Ferrand, our Netball Coach, is happy to give Dumpton parents a 20% discount for Netball Stars.
With best wishes

Christian Saenger
Key Events W/B 3.2.25
Week 5: Theme of the Week – Children’s Mental Health
Monday 3 February
All day Canford Sports Scholarships (girls)
15.40 - 18.30 Reception, Y1 & Y2 Parents’ Evening
16.30 - 18.00 7C Parents’ Evening – all subjects (in person)
Tuesday 4 February
8.30 – 8.50 Prep School Senior Class Assembly (8R)
14.15 – 16.15 Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) – please see Dumpton Sports site for full details
15.40 – 17.00 Reception, Y1 & Y2 Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 5 February
All day Canford Drama Scholarships
14.15 – 16.15 Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) – please see Dumpton Sports site for full details
Thursday 6 February
All day Canford DT Scholarships
16.30 – 19.30 Y3 Parents’ Evening – form tutor only (in person)
16.30 – 18.15 7T Parents’ Evening – all subjects (in person)
Friday 7 February
All Day U11 Boys at IAPS Hockey Tournament at Clifton – please see Dumpton Sports site for full details
8.30 – 8.50 Prep School Junior Class Assembly (4A)
Wear Your Scarf to School Day