Dear Parents
I wrote last week about children stepping out of their comfort zones and embracing adventures, and how this is something built into the ethos of the school. If any of you have the chance to see some of the pictures and videos posted from the Y6 trip to Skern Lodge in North Devon, or the Y7 trip to Normandy, you will get a strong sense of why we value residential trips so much at Dumpton. Blessed with glorious weather, both trips have been a wonderful success.
Y6 undertook a range of outdoor activities across the week, including kayaking, surfing and a range of team based tasks that helped them develop their collaboration, their resilience, and their courage. Most importantly, it was a time to come together as a year group and create some amazing shared memories.
Y7’s trip was more focused on culture and language, with children visiting French markets to buy their own food, touring the stunning quicksands around Mont St Michel, learning about the D-Day Landings after a visit to the church of St Mere Iglis, as well as seeing the Bayeux Tapestry, and even trying ‘les escargot’!
My thanks go to Mr Cox, and Madame T, our two trip leaders, as well as all the staff who attended the trips, staying away from their own families to ensure our pupils could have this fantastic opportunity. They really do look after the pupils so well – a big thank you to them from us all.
Finally, please note the important information about Family Afternoon below – we do need every family to fill in the form! Thanks for your support for what is always a very enjoyable community occasion.
Dumpton Family Afternoon – Friday 24 May – From Mrs Shaw
Our Family Afternoon celebrating 120 years of Dumpton takes place two weeks from today!
We are so excited to open our doors to you and close family members on Friday 24 May at 1.15pm. We hope you enjoy spending the afternoon with your children. They are looking forward to showing off their classrooms and their work and taking part in activities put on by various departments. There will be performances, sports, outdoor activities and much more. The afternoon will conclude by 4pm with a wonderful Afternoon Tea on the Front Lawn. I do hope you can all make it!
Pupils whose family are not able to attend will, of course, be looked after and will still have a fantastic time. On a busy afternoon such as this it is incredibly important that we are aware of all arrangements in place. Therefore, please complete this form to let us know if you will be attending or if perhaps you have arranged for your child to spend the afternoon with a different family. Please can forms be completed by Friday 17 May at the latest – thank you.
UKMT Junior Maths Challenge
Well done to the Year 7 & 8 pupils who entered the Junior Maths Challenge and congratulations to the 83% of pupils who have been awarded a certificate. There were 8 bronze and 13 silver certificates awarded. Special congratulations to the 4 gold certificate winners - Alexander S, Bertie B, Ivory J, & Elyssa S. Alexander, Bertie and Ivory have also all qualified for the next round of this competition (Junior Kangaroo), which will take place after half term.
Y3 Trip to Kimmeridge
Y3 were lucky enough to spend a day in glorious sunshine at Kimmeridge. They supported their learning in Science and Humanities by exploring the Etches Collection Museum, before walking down to the bay and learning how to look for fossils. The children were, by all accounts, beautifully behaved and did their teachers proud.
Y1 Pirate Day – From Mr Clark and Miss Goodhew
Year 1 had a great sunny morning out at the Pirate Park at SnowTrax yesterday. They had to complete some fitness training before they could qualify from pirate school and be allowed aboard the ship; they practised their balancing skills along thin pieces of wood, rope swinging across a 'crocodile pit', and zip wired across a 'creek'. Thankfully they all passed the test and climbed aboard the large pirate ship, and role-played with pirate accents. In the afternoon, we returned to school to test if the pirate ships they had made would float or sink in water, with varying success depending on the materials used. We are sure they had a fantastic day and should have slept very well!
Computer Explorers – Half Term Holiday Club
Following the success of previous clubs, Computer Explorers will be holding another holiday club this coming half term based on Minecraft Coding. Please see the attached flyer for full details and use this link to book your child a place.
DECA Sale – from 5P
On Thursday 16th May - 5P are holding a DECA sale of toys and books at all of the pick-ups, in aid of the RSPCA. Cash only. You're bound to find something that you love!
With best wishes for the weekend.
Christian Saenger

Key Events Week Beginning 13/05/2024:
Week 5: Theme of the Week - Collaboration
Monday 13 May
Y8 HPV Vaccinations
Tuesday 14 May
2.15pm Sports Fixtures (Y3 & Y4)
Wednesday 15 May
2.15pm Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8)
Thursday 16 May
Y2 Visit to Brownsea Island
Y7 Visit to the New Forest
3.30pm 5P DECA Sale
19:30 Y8 (Zoom) Information Evening for all current Y7 parents
Saturday 18 May
Enchanted Woodland Summer Ball