Dear Parents
It was Internet Safety week this week, and as Mr Ashworth writes below, we took part in a range of activities at school as part of Safer Internet Day.
Perhaps the biggest difference between our own childhoods and that of our children’s is the prevalence and accessibility of the internet. It is therefore understandable that this is the area of parenting that presents many of us the most challenges! We can’t lean on our own childhood experiences and the wisdom we have gleaned as we do in other areas of life – instead, like our children, we have to navigate the rapidly changing, ever-evolving world of technology and the internet, dealing with things that most of us are too old to have experienced as children: social media, smart phones, and selfies.
Without wanting to demonise technology at all (it will play a huge role in our children’s lives and is capable of the most exhilarating and wonderful things) - I do fear the impact that smartphones and social media are having on children today. Jonathan Haidt’s ‘The Anxious Generation’ argues very persuasively that the advent of what he calls a ‘phone-based childhood’ has had widespread impacts on children’s social and emotional development – and adversely impacted adolescent mental health. The statistics on this are sobering and shocking.
We’re proudly a mobile phone free school, but I would also urge all parents to think very carefully before giving a smart phone to your child for personal use. If you do decide the time is right, think very carefully about having the appropriate safeguards and ground rules in place.
Without professing to be an expert, I will be talking on Wednesday 26th February during the Dumpton Talks Weekabout how we can navigate this safely – so if there are any interested parents, I’d encourage you to come along. We have four other brilliant speakers across the week, and with well over 100 people already signed up, it promises to be a really fantastic community event.
Safer Internet Day – From Mr Ashworth
This week, we took part in Safer Internet Day 2025, a nationwide event promoting the safe and responsible use of technology. Pupils across the school attended age-appropriate assemblies, where they learned about the importance of staying safe online and recognising potential risks. Throughout the week, pupils took part in engaging lessons tailored to their age group, covering topics such as keeping personal information private, avoiding scams, and thinking critically about what they see online. We encourage parents to continue these important conversations at home, helping children to develop safe and responsible digital habits.
For more information about staying safe online please see the UK Safer Internet Centre website for advice and guides
If you have any questions relating to how we speak to children and what filtering and monitoring we have in place at Dumpton please contact Mr Ashworth.
Scholarship Success
I am delighted to announce our first scholarship successes of the year. Well done to Isaac H who has been awarded Academic, Music and Drama Scholarships to Bournemouth Collegiate School, to Harry K for Drama and DT Scholarships to Clayesmore, and to Charlotte W and Lauren M for Academic Scholarships to Talbot Heath, and Emily F and Freya J-P for Drama and Performing Arts Scholarships, also to Talbot Heath. We are so proud of each and everyone of them – what an accolade!
Author Visit and Book Week – From Miss Fox
Matt Dickinson was a huge success when visiting our school yesterday. As well as sharing stories of his adventures when climbing Everest, he made the pupils think about the impacts that tourism and climate change are having on the area - they were gripped throughout and the time flew by - we only wished we could have listened to him for longer. Hopefully a return visit will follow soon.
For those of you who didn't get a change to buy one of Matt's books yesterday, a supply of his books will be available at the Book Fair during Book Week. Just a reminder that if pupils would like to enter our ‘Guess The Book Competition’, the half term break would be a good time to get started. Do see the letter about book week sent last week for more details!
Netball and Hockey Success
It was lovely to see some very enjoyable fixtures against Castle Court this week – the girls Netball has come on leaps and bounds since the start of term, and the same is true for our boys with their hockey. A special mention to our Y8 Sports Leaders who both umpired and coached the U8s and U9s on Tuesday. They were superb!
News from the Pre-Prep – Mrs Wort
As we come to the end of another busy week, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on all the hard work and progress we've seen from both our students and staff. This week has been full of enthusiasm, resilience, and collaboration. The children have worked incredibly hard across all subjects, showing their dedication and eagerness to 'aim high'. From classroom activities to hobbies, their commitment continues to impress.
The middle of the week was a high point with a wonderful assembly from 2M. Their performance was a perfect demonstration of the confidence that comes with regularly taking part in performances and a school wide focus on oracy. It was a joy to see how much the children have progressed, and I’m sure the parents who attended felt as proud as I did.
As we approach the half-term holiday, I encourage everyone to take a well-deserved rest. It’s been a fantastic term so far, and I look forward to seeing everyone return refreshed and ready for the next chapter in our learning journey.
Notices from the Performing Arts Department – Ms Oakes
Nina Gold Casting - Narnia film
You may remember we had a representative from Hollywood casting agency, Nina Gold, visit us to cast for a BBC adaptation of Lord of the Flies. This time they have been in touch looking for potential stars for an upcoming Narnia film. If you have a 10/11-year-old who fancies their shot to stardom, please see more details here.
Handel's Messiah - Joint Concert with Canford School
Our Senior choir are soon to be joining forces with Canford School to sing this iconic work. It's taking place in our performing Arts week on Tuesday 4 March at 7pm in Christchurch Priory.
Performing Arts Week – 3 to 7 March
We are so excited about this year's performing arts week which includes performances from every pupil at Dumpton! All details have been sent out including any forms that need completing for pick up arrangements or tickets. Please do make note of the various timings for your children and let us know of your intentions where applicable.
Reminder - Easter Holiday Club
The deadline to sign up for the Easter club is Monday 24 February - Please do click on this form: for more information, and to register your child.
Half Term Activity Ideas
As well as the ‘Guess the Book’ Competition for Book Week (see the book week letter for more information), as part of the 80th Anniversary of VE Day Celebrations, the Royal British Legion are looking for any young with families who have a Second World War story to tell. Do click here for more information.
With best wishes for the half term break.

Christian Saenger
Key Events W/B 24.2.25
Week 7- Theme of the Week: Book Week
Monday 24 February
All Day U11 Girls Small Schools IAPS tournament @ Westhill Park – please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details
8.30-9.30 Dumpton Talks – Be a Lighthouse Parent, not a Helicopter Parent, Liz Thornton and Caroline de Mowbray – Bryanston School
Tuesday 25 February
All Day Y8 HPV Vaccinations
8.30-9.30 Dumpton Talks – Gentle Parenting and Loving Boundaries – Tamsin Grimmer – Lecturer at Norland College & Education Director and Linden Learning
10.45-16.15 Bryanston School Science Day for Y6
14.15-16.15 Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports site for full details
Wednesday 26 February
8.30-9.30 Dumpton Talks – Navigating a childhood of smart phones and social media – Christian Saenger
14.15-16.15 Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y6) - please see Dumpton Sports site for full details
Thursday 27 February
8.30-9.30 Dumpton Talks – How to communicate effectively with children and help them problem-solve – Andrew Farbridge – Canford School
Friday 28 February
All Day U13 Girls Netball – please see Dumpton Sports site for full details
All Day Y2 Asian Kitchen
8.30-9.30 Dumpton Talks – Academic Enrichment, Intellectual Curiosity and the Skill and Habits for Academic Success – Ieuan Weir and Jamie Ings – Canford School