Headmasters Letter 7th March 2025
07 March 2025

Headmaster's Letter 7th March 2025

Dear Parents

What a special week – there has been so much going on that’s it’s been hard to draw breath and take stock, but as I write my letter this week I am bursting with pride.  

Performing Arts Week began with the Spring Spectacular, and ended today with House Singing. With the entire school performing – all 343 pupils - both events showcased superbly the inclusivity of our approach: the Performing Arts at Dumpton really is for all. Congratulations Dorset for winning the House singing! The enjoyment and sense of fun was clear to see (for why else are we performing if not to provoke a sense of joy?), as was the lovely collaboration between our oldest and youngest pupils, but what amazed me most was the confidence of the children. To see our Nursery children standing so proudly on Monday, dancing with such glee, and with such smiles upon their faces, was really rather remarkable, and from those firm foundations, this is a school where every child is given the opportunity to get used to tackling any nerves, standing on a stage, and giving it there all with confidence and enthusiasm. What a brilliant skill for life. 

Tuesday evening saw something equally impressive and important, but for very different reasons. Our Senior Choir performed Handel’s Messiah alongside Canford’s Choir and Orchestra at the Christchurch Priory. This was a serious musical event – a 2-hour performance of one of the greatest and most famous works of Classical music. It blew us all away. There are few Prep School age pupils who will ever have taken part in such a prestigious and high-quality musical event, with all the patience, dedication and sheer graft required to deliver such a challenging piece of music. Any of the parents who were fortunate to be there will attest to quite how brilliantly the Dumpton pupils represented the school. A special thank you to Mr and Mrs Schiel for their brilliant hospitality and generosity in providing a base for the choir pre-show, and of course to Ms Oakes, who spearheaded this musical partnership with Canford.  

Whilst getting every single child involved in performing remains our priority, giving our older pupils this remarkable chance to ‘aim high’ was very special. I have rarely been prouder – and I feel sure it will be a memory that stays with those children for a long time to come. 

From Mrs Wort - Head of Pre-Prep 
When I came to Dumpton, I knew the performing arts were an area of strength, and I have seen this to be true in many ways. Class assemblies, Christmas performances, all have been wonderful, but the Spring Spectacular on Monday took this to a whole new level! Watching every single child participate in rehearsals and the final performance, feeling the joy and confidence coming from each of them, it was a wonderful thing to share.   

Yesterday I was part of very strange playtime. Harry Potter was playing football, Dorothy was spinning a hula-hoop and Paddington was skipping with The Three Bears. It must be World Book Day! The visits we have had from Gulliver's Bookshop and our 'Secret Readers' have made the whole week feel special. 

Book Week 
As Book Week draws to a close, we can reflect on a lovely of celebrating books and book characters - there has been a real buzz about the school. The Book Fair has been a huge success (please could any outstanding money be sent in as soon as possible!) and it was lovely to see so many book characters wandering around the school on World Book Day. The Guess the Book competition entries are now awaiting judgement in the library! Many thanks to all who took part and helped make this week so special. 

The Week Awards – ‘Best of the Best’ Prep Schools 
We have won another award! We’re delighted that Dumpton continues to gain national recognition, this time for our Global Citizenship work which saw us secure the ‘Best Green Initiative’ in The Week Independent Schools Awards. Well done to all the staff for their hard work here, our super pupils for the range of ‘positive action’ that they take, but especially Mrs Cox, Head of Global Citizenship, for her energy and passion.  

Swimming – IAPS Regional Qualifiers – from Mr Jeremiah 
What an afternoon of swimming we had at Clayesmore for the IAPS National Qualifier Event. With 33 Dumpton pupils present we were by far and away the largest group poolside, and I was so proud of the way the group cheered and supported each other throughout. 

As always, we had some pupils taking part in their first ever competitive swimming event and whilst being nervous, they embraced the occasion and put in some great performances. 

I’m not going to name individuals or particular relay teams at this point as everyone could get a special mention, but having looked at our results from yesterday and compared them to the results of last year's National Finalists we could be taking more students to the Nationals in both relays and individual finals than we have ever done before. Every year is different, and nothing can be guaranteed at this stage, but I do have my fingers crossed for some positive news at the start of next term. 

Netball and Hockey Tournament Success 
As well as some very competitive fixtures against Port Regis, special congratulationsto our U12 Girls who reached the final of the PEDDSA tournament this week, earning a place at the County Finals. Our U11 Boys continued their run of success coming Runners Up in the Canford tournament – they have finished 1st or 2nd in 4 tournaments so far this term, all excellent preparation for the National Finals in Suffolk on Monday. The whole school is behind them wishing them the very best of luck! 

Primary Maths Challenge Bonus Round - from Mr Smith  
Huge congratulations to Jayden L, Austin W and Sebby S who all scored well in the Bonus Round of the Primary Maths Challenge last month.  Only the top 7% of pupils attempting the PMC are invited to attempt the Bonus Round, so qualifying is itself a fine accomplishment.  Sebby missed out on a certificate by just two marks, Austin's score was enough for an excellent Bronze certificate and Jayden did brilliantly to be awarded a Silver certificate with his score - a great achievement. 

The Blues Brothers Performances - extra tickets now available! 
The Y6 and Y7 casts are working hard during their rehearsals for The Blues Brothers. Thank you to those parents who have completed the ticket allocation form that was sent out before half term - please be aware that anybody who requested extra seats has been successful!  

We are now opening the tickets up to any other parents outside of Y6 and Y7 on a first come, first served basis. Please email Holly (School Secretary) at h.clark@dumpton.com to request your seats by Friday 14 March.  

Please ensure to include the performance you wish to see in the email.   

A reminder of the performance times:  

Cast 1 (6C and 7C) will be performing to parents at 2.30pm on Monday 24 March, and 5pm on Tuesday 25 March.   

Cast 2 (6J and 7T) will be performing to parents at 5pm on Monday 24 March, and 2.30pm on Tuesday 25 March.  

Year 8 'A Midsummer Night’s Dream' - Friday 28th March  
All are welcome, but please reserve your seats here. Priority will be given to Year 8 parents (siblings of Year 8s will be watching an earlier performance so will not need to attend this one). The performance will end by 4.15pm. 

Celebrating Achievements 
If your child has had any achievements outside of school (sporting, music etc), and you would like the school to celebrate about this on our social media, please can you email marketing@dumpton.com with details and any photographs you are happy to be shared.  

Lunch with the Headmaster      
We are very keen that our parents have the opportunity to see and taste the wonderful lunches that Steph and her team cook for the children on a daily basis. We would like to invite parents, to join the me for lunch on Tuesday 11 March (Pre-Prep parents) or Thursday 13 March (Prep parents). As I am sure you will understand we have had to set a limit on numbers, so it will be a strictly first come, first served basis. Please complete this form   

With best wishes,

Christian Saenger


Key Events W/B 10.3.25 
Week 9: Theme of the Week: The Dumpton Way 

Monday 10 March 
8.30-8.50           Prep School Assembly 

Tuesday 11 March 
8.30-8.50           Prep School Senior Class Assembly (6C) 
12.00-13.00       Pre-Prep Parents Lunch with the Headmaster (booking essential) 
14.15-16.15       Sports Fixtures (Y3-Y4) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 
16.30-19.00       Y6 Parents’ Evening (in person) 

Wednesday 12 March 
8.15-8.30           Y1&Y2 Parent Drop In 
14.15-16.15       Sports Fixtures (Y5-Y8) - please see Dumpton Sports Site for full details 
15.00-15.30       Pre-Prep Class Assembly (RW) followed by RW Parent Drop In 
15.40-18.00       Rescheduled 1C Parents’ Evening 

Thursday 13 March 
9.00-15.00         Y5 Science Trip to Winchester 
12.45-13.45       Prep School Parents – Lunch with the Headmaster (booking essential) 
15.40-17.30       Rescheduled 1C Parents’ Evening 

Friday 14 March 
All Day               Y3 Trip – Evacuee Experience 
All Day               Y7/Y8 (group) Art Gallery Visit 



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