Dear Parents
“You can because you think you can!”
Occasionally, as I or another member of the staff team repeats our school motto to a child (as we often do!) we will be met by a slightly forlorn, slightly deflated look...
“But.... I can’t!”
Straight away, we will usually respond with a very short, but very important word: “Yet. You can’t do it yet.”
This is a powerful mindset for children to develop. The willingness to continue, even if things are hard. The ability to be resilient in the face of failure. The need to learn from our mistakes and have another go. This is referred to in educational psychology as the ‘Growth Mindset’, and thanks to psychologist Carol Dweck, has become a prominent tool in education as well as high performance coaching.
At Dumpton, helping children develop a powerful ‘Growth Mindset’ lies at the cornerstone of our teaching. Our theme of the week, ‘Learning from our Mistakes’, was a lovely chance to remind children of this through a range of assemblies. It has been brilliant to see it in evidence all round the school this week in areas like sport, the performing arts and outdoor learning – but particularly in the classroom. As our recent analysis of our academic progress shows (do read below), our pupils really can!
Academic Progress at Dumpton
We are very proud of the impact we have in the classroom, and the difference our small class sizes, positive ‘aim high’ culture and superb teaching make to the outcomes of our pupils. Each year we measure our progress in English and Maths using standardised tests which compare us to national outcomes. Since September 2020, our average scores in English and Maths have risen from the 60th percentile nationally, to the 75th percentile. This is highly impressive, and my thanks go to all the teachers for their efforts – but of course to our pupils who are working so hard and aiming so high too.
Deans Grove Road Closure – Thank You
A big thank you to all parents for your understanding earlier this week with the road closure on Deans Grove. I am particularly grateful to Mrs Shaw, Mr Perry, and all the other staff involved in reacting so quickly to try to minimise the impact.
Sporting Fixtures
We are grateful to the staff team at Castle Court for hosting every single match on Wednesday at very short notice due to the road closure. It created a real festival atmosphere and some fantastic sport, with excellent competitive football and rugby fixtures. Well done to all involved, and to Mr Randle and Mrs Clemmitt for handling the logistics so skilfully.
Carol Service and End of term Arrangements
We are looking ahead to the Carol Service – one of the highlights of the Dumpton calendar – which takes place on the final day of term. Mrs Shaw will be writing to you all early next week with details of the event, so please do look out for this important piece of communication: the last day of term does look very different to a normal Friday.
Christmas Fayre – From Mrs Shaw
Dumpton Friends are excited to welcome you all on Friday 2 December from 2.30pm - 7pm. Please see attached a copy of the communication sent out earlier this week. Please could Y8 parents respond to a separate communication about Y8 helpers, also sent out earlier this week. Please note that parking will be difficult and we urge you to car share where possible.
Musical Performances at the Christmas Fayre – From Mrs Mudd
The children are so excited to perform to you all at the Fayre as they have been working so hard in their classes for this event. Do check the performing times carefully (read the attachment to this message) and let me know if you have any questions.
Y2 Instrumental Concert
We are all looking forward to the Y2 Instrumental Concert on Tuesday – we do hope parents can make it along to hear the progress the children have been making on their various instruments.
Signing in reminder
If your child arrives at school after 8.25am please could they go to the Front Office to sign in, before going into school, to ensure they are properly registered.
Poppy Appeal Generosity
The Royal British Legion have been in touch to thank us for our generosity in raising money for the Poppy Appeal. We raised £359.49 - a significant sum and a wonderful tribute to our fallen soldiers.
Key Events Next Week: (please see sports site and calendar for all fixtures)
Week 12: Theme of the Week - The Dumpton Way: Enthusiasm
Week B
Monday 28 November
All day: Flu Vaccinations (Reception to Y8)
2.45pm: Y2 Instrumental Concert
5.15pm: Full Governors Meeting
Thursday 1 December
8.30am: Prep School Assembly - Performing Arts & Sports Reports
3.45pm: Y1 & Y2 Parents’ Evening (in person)
Friday 2 December
No hobbies today – Dumpton Christmas Fayre
8.15am: Y1+Y2 Parent Drop In Session
10.15am: Nursery New Starters Meet, Greet and Play Session
11.30am: Tony Diprose – Visiting Speaker
2.30pm: Dumpton Friends – Christmas Fayre
With best wishes
Christian Saenger