Headmasters Newsletter Friday 10th February
10 February 2023

Headmaster's Newsletter Friday 10th February

Dear Parents

As we reach the end of the half term, I’d like to thank the whole school community for your ongoing support of the school. We have had, despite the grim weather, a really busy and successful term, and the children have flourished. Now it is time for a well deserved break! 

The last week of term has been overshadowed somewhat by the awful scenes out in Turkey and Syria – but we can be very proud indeed of how the school community has responded. At very late notice (and with plenty of ‘The Dumpton Way’ virtues of empathy, enthusiasm and global citizenship on display), the mufti day today has raised over £2500. Thank you to the Dumpton Friends for helping us organise this, and to you as parents for your incredible generosity. 

E-Safety Week 
This year's Safer Internet Day has seen all the pupils in the school (apart from Nursery) attend assemblies about staying safe when online, and thank you to 7TU for their excellent assembly. The pupils have also discussed Internet Safety and completed a range of activities in Computing lessons. The main theme we have focussed on this year has been about making space for conversations about life online. The link to the Safer Internet Day website has more information: https://www.saferinternetday.org/ 

We are often asked by parents about online safety and we did hold an information talk last year. In summary, the most important thing is to ensure that you have open, transparent and honest dialogue with your children about their online life and activities. If you need any more advice at all, please do get in touch. 

Attitude to Learning Grades – from Mr Morgan 
All pupils in Y3 to Y8 have received Attitude to Learning grades from their teachers for this half term. They have been published to their parent portal today. Please let us know if you have any trouble accessing them. 

House Singing Draw 
There was huge excitement in the Prep School Assembly on Thursday – the draw for House Singing! The theme this year is ‘movies’, and Kent, Sussex, Dorset and Hants all seemed very pleased with their song! And we’re really excited that for the first time ever, Year 2 are going to join in with House Singing this year.... 

3W Wellie Sale 
Congratulations to 3W - 37 pairs of wellies were saved from going to landfill! They have decided they would like to donate their money to the earthquake appeal. 

Bryanston School Mini Model United Nations 
We’re so proud of the Y6 and Y7 pupils who represented Dumpton on this special day – Austin, Stella, Georgie, Kitto, Max, Emily, Kitty, Sofie, Thomas, Isaac H, Alexa and Sabela. We received an amazing six ‘Highly Commended’ awards. A huge thank you also to Mrs Murfin for her efforts getting the team so well prepared. 

Elevate Student Workshop for all Y8 Pupils 
Y8 received an hour of study skills and revision strategies earlier this week – a great chance to take on board some of the research about how to learn best. We wish them all the best as they revise for their Mock CE Exams or Academic Scholarship Exams over half term. 

Informal Lunchtime Concert 
A most brilliant way to end the term! Well done to all the performers – it was amazing to see the confidence you showed, with singing, guitar, cello, piano and violin performances. Thanks to Mrs Mudd and all the music team for their support. 

RA Class Assembly 
RA performed in their first ever assembly, kickstarting their public speaking journey. We were incredibly proud of how confidently they spoke in front of their parents and the rest of Pre Prep. They explained what they had learnt from their topic ‘People Who Help Us’ and shared some of their wonderful drawings with us. A highlight was singing with Mrs Mudd and her ukulele, which included some parent participation! 

Reception Parents Drop-in Session 
Thursday saw our first Parent Drop In session for Reception and this will become a regular half termly event.  It was a lovely occasion for the children to share their learning journey with their parents.  The children delighted in reviewing their progress and explaining all that they have learnt. We are already looking forward to the next one. 

Mini Buses – from Mike Giles 
If you use the Dumpton school Mini Bus Service, please make sure that you have booked your seats in advance up unto the end of the summer term, just to be sure you can guarantee a seat for your child/children.  

Easter Holiday Clubs – A reminder to secure your place 
Nursery and Reception Easter Holiday Club
Y1 to Y8 Easter Holiday Club

Best wishes to you all for the half term break, 

Christian Saenger 

Key Events First Week Back: (please see sports site and calendar for all fixtures)    

Week 7: Theme of the week - Global Citizenship  

Fairtrade Fortnight: 20/02/2023 - 05/03/2023 

Monday 20 February 
All Day: Bryanston Academic Scholarship 

Tuesday 21 February 
All Day: Bryanston Academic Scholarship 
All Day: Bryanston Prep School Orchestral Day (Selected Pupils) 
All Day: Life Education Visit (Reception to Y3) 
10.00am: Reception Wimborne Pancake Race 

Wednesday 22 February 
All Day: Life Education Visit (Reception to Y3) 
All Day: Bryanston Academic Scholarship 

Thursday 23 February 
8.30am: Prep School Assembly - Performing Arts & Sports Reports 
4.30pm: Y4 Parents' Evening (in person) 

Friday 24 February 
8.15am: Y1 & Y2 Parents Drop In Session


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